Are your students doing a research project or giving a presentation? Consider how YouTube can help!
Videos posted to YouTube or elsewhere on the Internet are an excellent source of information. Documentaries, speeches, and how-to demonstrations are just some of the videos your students can watch.
Is YouTube blocked at your school? It is at ours. This doesn’t stop the students from using Internet videos to improve learning.
This blog entry lists other websites that post high-quality educational videos. As well, this blog entry explains a simple technique to filter all YouTube videos out of your Google search results so your students can find only the ones they can watch in the computer lab. Keep reading!

This week my students completed Assignment 8 in the technology project, TechnoJourney. In this assignment students were challenged to find educational videos that could help them complete their school work. They looked for a documentary on a polar bear, speech by Martin Luther King, demonstration on how to build a bridge using Popsicle sticks, and more! Afterwards we discussed the benefits of using videos.
UPDATE: TechnoJourney was replaced with TechnoInternet. The activities are similar.
Educational Benefits of YouTube Videos
There are many reasons why your students should use YouTube Videos:
- Research Facts: Your students can learn about a topic by watching a video. They can pause it to record facts and then resume playing to learn even more!
- Personally Meaningful: A video can create a connection with the viewer. By watching the event it makes the viewer feel like they are part of the action. For example, if your students read a speech by Martin Luther King it would not be as compelling as actually watching him deliver it to an audience.
- Complex Topics are Made Simple: Some concepts are difficult to understand. A video demonstration can make a complex topic easier to comprehend.
- Presentation Tool: A video can be shown during a presentation as a hook to aquire audience interest, illustrate a concept, or highlight an important point.
- Current Information: Be up-to-date! Your students can watch a video to learn about the the latest information on a topic, view a speech given that day, or watch a demonstration of a modern device.
- Assist Weak Readers: If you have students that are weak readers videos are an excellent teaching tool. A video allows them to gather research facts, engages their interest in a topic, and helps them to comprehend a concept.
- Target Learning Styles: People don’t learn the same. Videos target students who are visual learners.
Website with High-Quality Educational Videos
If you can’t access YouTube there are many other websites that have excellent videos. Here are some of my favorites!
National Geographic for Kids: Videos are divided by topic such as animals, history, people, and science. These videos are fantastic! The videos are listed by topic or historical event. Many videos are only a few minutes long yet offer an excellent summary.
PBS Nova: Science and technology concepts are made interesting and are easy to understand.
How Stuff Works: This website has a video about EVERY topic you can think about. At the bottom of the page are a list of categories that let you pick from numerous topics such as endangered species, earth science, and anatomy. A NOTE OF CAUTION: This website has a video about EVERYTHING. Depending on your school community, it may have videos about topics you might not want your students to view.
NASA Video Gallery: Encourage your students to watch videos posted to the NASA website if you are doing a Space unit. They are so interesting.
How to Filter Google Search Results to Remove all YouTube Videos
If YouTube is blocked at your school, searching for videos can be frustrating. It often seems like all the perfect videos are ones that your students cannot view. This can cause your students to become discouraged. Follow these instructions to filter your Google search results so that no YouTube videos show up in the search results.
- Display the Google Search Page
- Type keyword phrase video -youtube. For example polar bear video -youtube
Yes, it really is THAT SIMPLE! The minus sign tells Google NOT TO SHOW ANY RESULTS WITH THE WORD YOUTUBE!
Is YouTube Blocked at Your School?
Can you watch YouTube videos at your school? Do you encourage your students to use online videos to enhance learning? Share your ideas!
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