
COMING SOON! New TechnoHub

TechnoHub is evolving into a TechnoKids e-learning classroom. Originally designed as a simple bookshelf with downloadable TechnoKids projects, TechnoHub is being revamped into a modern education platform. This transformation will be introduced in phases.

Phase 1 will launch Fall 2024. It will provide loyal TechnoKids customers with a TechnoKids Starter License. You’ll be amazed by the exciting upgrades to the TechnoKids courses!

In Phase 2, we will introduce class management tools and student accounts as part of the Class, Classrooms, and School licenses. These new licenses will feature many highly requested additions, such as the ability to complete assignments directly on the platform, automatic quiz grading, progress reports, and more. We understand you’re eager for these updates, and rest assured, they’ll be available soon.

How Do I Get a TechnoKids Starter License?

We know you’re preparing for the upcoming school year, so it’s a great time to download your projects from the current TechnoHub.

As a valued TechnoKids customer, you don’t need to take any action to access the upgraded TechnoHub. When the new platform launches, you’ll receive an email notification. Simply use your existing credentials to sign in to your account. Contact TechnoKids to find out if you qualify for a free one-year TechnoKids Starter License.

Read the blog Transform Learning With the New Educational Platform TechnoHub

7 Features You Will Love in the New TechnoHub

Rest assured, TechnoKids courses will continue to include all the essential instructional materials you rely on, such as teacher guides, workbooks, and resources. However, these materials have been significantly upgraded. You’ll still have access to sample files, templates, and customizable assessment tools like reviews, skill evaluations, checklists, marking sheets, and rubrics. But now TechnoKids courses will offer even more features.

These enhancements to TechnoHub are a direct response to feedback from TechnoKids customers. We heard that many teachers faced restrictions on printing and had trouble purchasing materials unless they were available online. Additionally, we understand that preparing TechnoKids resources could sometimes be cumbersome. You asked for a solution that’s both easy and seamless!

Read on to discover the seven most highly requested features that will soon be available with every TechnoKids course. You’ll get new additions like Course Slides, Scheduling Tables, and Interactive Curriculum Standards. Plus, even more exciting features to enhance your teaching experience!

Teachers requested an easier way for students to follow instructions. Specifically you wanted presentation slides that could be projected onto a large screen. We’re excited to announce that we’ve created Course Slides for every TechnoKids course to meet this need!

  1. Course Slides are visual aids designed to support course instruction. Teachers can either display presentation files directly in the Course Window or download them to use with Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. This new feature transforms each page in a Student Workbook into vibrant, engaging slides.

Teachers frequently asked, “How long does it take to teach the course?” While we provided general estimates, you wanted more precise timing. In response, we’ve introduced a Scheduling Timetable in the Getting Started section.

  1. The Scheduling Timetable outlines the instructional time needed for each course. The timetable lists the recommended minutes for assignments, reviews, skill evaluations, and extension activities. Additionally, it offers suggestions for tailoring the course content to better fit your schedule.

TechnoKids Computing Curriculum aligns to international standards. For years, we’ve provided correlation documents that map projects to learning outcomes. However, you asked for a more user-friendly solution, with the ability to view standards for each assignment, not just for the entire course. We’re excited to introduce Interactive Curriculum Standards!

  1. The Interactive Curriculum Standards feature offers a comprehensive list of international curriculum standards for TechnoKids courses. By clicking on any assignment heading in the Teacher Guide, you can see how each lesson aligns with ISTE, Common Core, CSTA, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Additionally, the Curriculum Standards tool provides an easy-to-read table that summarizes all course standards for each assignment, skill review, and extension activity. Finally, the course feature you’ve been waiting for is here!

We’ve heard you loud and clear! Teachers wanted a simpler way to access the resources they need without going through multiple steps. While the original TechnoHub was a great improvement over TechnoKids CDs and USBs, the process of signing in, selecting the course version, downloading, unzipping, and locating the correct folder was cumbersome. So, we’ve made it much easier—just one click!

  1. Teacher Resources include an online folder with essential course files like assessment tools, handouts, and examples. You can instantly preview these resources in the Course Window. Or, click the Download button if you prefer to customize the content or share it with students.

Read the blog Transform Learning With the New Educational Platform TechnoHub

While you didn’t frequently request this feature, we thought you might appreciate it given all the other improvements underway. The new TechnoHub now includes an Add Resources tool. It allows teachers to upload their own course files.

  1. Add Resources is on online folder where teachers can upload their own instructional materials. While most of you will continue to use the provided TechnoKids resources, some of you might prefer to add your own personal touch. With Add Resources, you can store supplementary lessons, quizzes, and videos all in one convenient location. This is particularly useful for differentiating instruction to better meet the unique needs of individual students or classes.

This highly-requested feature is finally here—the Lab! Teachers let us know they needed a more streamlined way to demonstrate instructions without juggling multiple tabs or windows. Switching between applications can be confusing, especially if you accidentally close something. With TechnoHub’s new Lab, you can access it directly from the Course Window.

  1. The Lab opens applications like Scratch Jr., Scratch, HTML, and Bot Libre within a frame. During instruction, you can display the Teacher Guide or Course Slides on the left pane while keeping the program open on the right pane. This makes demonstrating instructional steps much simpler. We think you’re going to love this new addition!

With the Teacher Guide and Student Workbook now available online in TechnoHub, our development team took the opportunity to upgrade these documents. Alongside the Interactive Curriculum Standards, we’ve introduced Course Bookmarks. This new feature is a game-changer for teachers managing multiple classes.

  1. Course Bookmarks allow you to mark specific locations in the Teacher Guide or Student Workbook. This means you can quickly return to where your class left off or easily access a step you want to highlight. Who doesn’t appreciate a little organization? At TechnoKids, we certainly do!

Read the blog Transform Learning With the New Educational Platform TechnoHub

What About Class and Student Accounts?

As you might recall, TechnoHub is rolling out in phases, and the features we’ve discussed are just the beginning! In Phase 2, TechnoKids will introduce class management tools and student accounts as part of the Class, Classrooms, and School licenses. This phase will include online student worksheets, automated grading of assignments and quizzes, and advanced reporting tools. We know this is the most requested feature by schools, and we understand your eagerness to access it.

When can you subscribe to a Class, Classrooms, or School license?

The launch is coming soon! We’ve already incorporated scoring, tags, and Bloom’s taxonomy into questions, which is a crucial step for making the Student Workbooks interactive. Our development team is diligently working on finalizing the reporting and tracking tools for school use.

We hope to offer a free trial shortly, so make sure you’re on the TechnoKids e-News list to receive an invitation. If you’re already a TechnoKids customer, keep an eye out for an alert in the Welcome Window of the new TechnoHub.

We can’t wait to share the enhanced TechnoHub with you!

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