TechnoKids Inc. has just released TechnoFlash CS5. This technology project includes lesson plans to teach computer animation to high school students. The teacher guide, student workbook, templates, and sample movies included in TechnoFlash enable students to create an animated story that is Out of this World.
NOTE: This animation project has been a favorite for many years. Students love it! You can get updated instructions and activities for Animate CC in the project, TechnoAnimate.
Students begin the project by learning how to use the drawing tools to create objects. Once familiar with how to draw, they use their skills to create the first scene in their space adventure. Click here to view a sample lesson that explains how to use the Flash Drawing Tools with fun drawing challenges that include a flower, car, bear, and chick.
Students gradually acquire animation skills. First, they learn frame-by-frame animation to gain an understanding of the importance of keyframes. Next, they create motion and shapes tweens. Afterwards, they learn how to use the Bone Tool to animate a robot that dances. Finally, they use a motion path to cause a spaceship to blast through the sky.

Once the scenes are complete, students learn how to insert sounds into the Timeline. They then export their movie to share with friends. View a sample movie created using the Flash CS5 lessons in TechnoFlash.
TechnoFlash includes ideas for creating Flash projects such as an animated scene, short story, or e-greeting card. In addition, sample movies are provided to inspire creativity.
To read more about this technology project visit TechnoFlash for Flash CS5.
To order TechnoFlash, please visit the TechnoKids Store.