Looking back over the past year of posts, we checked to see which blogs were the favorites of TechnoKids readers. In 2020, we set our focus on writing practical, informative, and engaging articles. The challenges of this past year were to support teachers in the unexpected and often sudden shift to remote learning. As well, we knew that the ever-changing aspect of technology demanded that educators keep up-to-date on new learning tools, apps, and resources. And finally we tried to target digital literacy and preparing students to build essential skills for the future.
5 Favorite TechnoKids News Articles of 2020
Which blog posts were teachers reading the most that were written in 2020? The top 5 favorites of TechnoKids readers are listed below. Check them out if you missed them the first time around!
Chromebooks are one of the most popular devices used in schools. And teaching programming skills is one of the top trends in preparing students for the workplace of tomorrow. We found that Trinket, a web-based coding environment designed for education, was a great fit.
Here’s an alternative to report writing or presentation that is sure to hook student interest. Show them how to create a pictograph, a visual representation of facts. Using Google Slides, it’s easy to make a professional looking and compelling document.

Show students how to visually represent the logical thinking behind their coding steps. Flowcharts enhance learning and make programming algorithms easier to understand.

TechnoKids’ most recent release in 2020 was TechnoPython. This programming technology project for middle and high school students is a beginner’s guide to the Python programming language. Students build games such as Pet Monster Rescue, Guess It, and Adventure Quest.

Finding and fixing ‘bugs’ or errors in code is an essential skill for beginners. This article explains how it should be taught right at the beginning of a programming unit. In this way, students avoid frustration and have a set of strategies to apply when mistakes happen.