technokids anniversary

TechnoKids Celebrates its 20th Anniversary

On January 23, 2013 TechnoKids Inc. celebrates its 20th anniversary. The company has seen a lot of change throughout the years.

The door on the first TechnoKids learning center opened in Oakville, Ontario, Canada in 1993. Today, there are thousands of learning centers, schools, and organizations using TechnoKids Computer Curriculum.

Twenty years ago, Windows 95, Office 97, and Google had not yet been invented. Throughout the years, the software and devices have changed. However, one thing has remained the same. Children need technology skills to be adequately prepared for the future.

Twenty years ago, Scott Gerard, Founder and President of TechnoKids Inc. defined the company mission: “Our mission is to combine education and technology to provide children with the core computing skills that will best prepare them for the future.”

The commitment to this mission has never wavered. In 2013, it is more important than ever that children learn to become competent, responsible digital citizens.

One of the reasons TechnoKids Inc. has been able to continually grow and prosper is because it has a dedicated group of Associates who believe in the company mission. Their loyal support and hard work have made it possible for children all over the world to learn essential technology skills using TechnoKids Computer Curriculum.

As well, the company has a loyal customer base. Scott Gerard is grateful for their support, “When I look back on our years, I am so honored that teachers have trusted TechnoKids enough to use our technology projects with their students. It is humbling to think that our materials have taught thousands and thousands of students. It is hard to imagine, but many of our first “techno” kids are now adults, with their own children.”

Christa Love, the Vice President at TechnoKids Inc., looks back on the past, “I started at TechnoKids in 1997 as a computer camp instructor. It is hard to believe that so much time has gone by. I loved TechnoKids the minute I walked through the door. I still love it today. Developing technology projects is so much fun!”

Development of new TechnoKids technology projects continues. Underway are plans for a Windows 8/Office 2013 product line. As well, in the works are some web 2.0 technology projects.

Throughout the year, TechnoKids will be running anniversary events to thank its customers.

TechnoKids Milestones

1993 TechnoKids opens first learning center in Oakville, Ontario.
1997 We’re international! Alex Hatzopoulos and George Papadakis bring TechnoKids to Greece.
Christa Love and Laurie Gerard join the team.
1998 Here we grow again! TechnoKids arrives in Central America thanks to Fernando Maldonado in Guatemala and in South America thanks to Jose Benacerraf from Venezuela. Albert Tan brings TechnoKids to Malaysia and Mohan Tammana from NeoCity introduces TechnoKids to India.
Form partnership with John Knox Christian School in Oakville, Ontario.
2001 Vasu Gounden brings TechnoKids to Africa.
2002 TechnoKids comes to the Middle East when the team expands to include Faten Salah in Saudi Arabia and Surekha Kembhavi from Knowledge Hub in United Arab Emirates.
2003 Children in Japan become “techno” kids when Shelley Bearse becomes an Associate.
Jordan is introduced to TechnoKids when Randa Taysir Al Bustami joins the team.
2004 Launch first e-commerce site.
Hella Comat joins the curriculum development team.
2005 Sell first downloadable technology project.
2006 Welcome Philippines! Barry Go becomes an Associate.
2007 Release Office 2007 product line.
2008 Set up new head office in Burlington, Ontario.
2010 Release Office 2010 product line.
2013 We are not done yet! What’s next? Office 2013 product line, web 2.0 projects, and more!