byod and parents

Parents Concerns About BYOD

Are you launching a BYOD at your school? Include a frequently asked question sheet to accompany the policy and consent form. This will help alleviate any concerns parents have about BYOD. Review the list of questions and possible answers.

Alleviate parent concerns about BYOD.

Do I have to supply a device for my child to bring to school?

No, you don’t. Participation is voluntary. The school will provide access to devices when technology is required through scheduled computer lab time, booked mobile carts, or via a lending library.

What device should I purchase?

The device you purchase for your child is based on your discretion. It can be a laptop, tablet, e-reader, or smartphone. The device must be able to connect to the school network and a MAC address must be provided. Please note _____ devices are not permitted.

What software is required?

No specific software will be required. Educators will attempt to leverage whatever software is available on the device. If specific software is required, the school will provide access through scheduled computer lab time, booked mobile carts, or via a lending library. Parents are encouraged to provide protection software on the device to prevent malware and viruses.

When can my child use his or her device at school?

A device must be used for educational purposes under the direction and supervision of school personnel. Usage is not guaranteed and is based on the discretion of the teacher.

What happens if my child runs up cellular charges while using the device at school?

Students must use the school WIFI network. Use of a 3G/4G network is prohibited. Any cellular network charges due to unauthorized use will be the responsibility of the parent.

Will my child be able to access inappropriate content?

BYOD will allow students access to the school WIFI network. The network is filtered to block access to inappropriate content. However, no filtering system is perfect. If students inadvertently access content that is unsuitable, they should inform their classroom teacher.

Is it possible for my child to perform all their schoolwork using their device?

No. Use of the device will vary depending on the learning outcome. Some assignments will still require students to complete the work by hand or using traditional instructional materials such as printed books. In some cases, the teacher may have a system for handing out and accepting work electronically, however this will vary depending on the situation.

Will my child be able to text friends during class?

Use of the device will be limited to educational purposes. Students may exchange messages under the direction and supervision of school personnel as it relates to the assignment. Any unauthorized exchange of messages is a violation of the BYOD policy.

Can I contact my child using their device during school hours?

Contacting your child during school hours via text messages, emails, phones calls, or other digital means can disrupt the learning environment. If you need to contact your child, please phone the school office.

Is the school responsible for loss, theft, or damage?

No. Your child is responsible for the care and security of their device.

What recourse do I have if my child’s laptop is stolen?

Theft is the responsibility of the owner. Contact school administration if your child’s device is stolen. To aid authorities, it is advised that you label the device, record device details such as make, model, and serial number, and install tracking software. It is also recommended that parents contact their insurance company to obtain hazard and/or theft coverage.

What happens when my child’s battery dies?

Your child is responsible for bringing their device fully charged to school each day. It is advised that if one battery does not provide the required length of use then a second battery should be purchased. Charging a device is limited to stations throughout the school. Permission for their use is required by school personnel. If a charging station is not available and a battery fails, your child is responsible for finding an alternative way to complete the assignment.

What happens if my child forgets their device at home?

Your child is expected to come to school prepared to learn. Students will be encouraged to store their files using a web app, making their work accessible through any device with the Internet. If deemed essential, your child will be able to access their work using a school owned device. However, if this is not available, your child must find an alternative way to complete their work.

Does my child have to share his or her device?

No. Your child should not lend his or her device to another student. It is for their exclusive use. From time to time, an assignment may have a collaborative component in which students work together in partners or small groups. In this learning situation, your child will maintain sole use over their device.

Can a teacher confiscate or search my child’s device?

Yes. School personnel can confiscate a device if they suspect a breach of the BYOD policy. If there is suspicion of inappropriate content or misuse, the school can search the device with the expressed consent of the parent.

Will cyberbullying increase now that students have devices while in school?

Digital citizenship is an important element of the BYOD initiative. Students must learn how to behave responsibly when using technology. Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated and is a direct violation of the existing Code of Conduct.

Will my child have access to technical support while at school?

Your child must be familiar with how to use their device. Teachers are not IT support staff. Instructions will be available to explain how to access the school WIFI network. However, school personnel will not troubleshoot hardware, software, or network issues.

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