Kids love creating WordArt! So we were quite disappointed when we discovered that Office Word and PowerPoint 365 Online had no feature allowing us to make WordArt for our projects. What to do?
A quick search using the term free online wordart maker yielded results. Try it or use Cool Text, one of our favorites.

Cool Text is a great site that students can use to make fun graphic words and phrases. They can format the text with a creative variety of choices such as font, color (including gradients and outline colors), size, shadow, alignment, and output file format. Or they can keep it as simple as typing in the text and clicking “Create”.
Here’s how in 5 easy steps:
- Type cooltext.com in your web browser.
- Click on a style you like.
Note: If you pick an animated font, it will not be animated in Office 365 Online. - Follow the directions to pick options such as size, color, and shadow. The choices will vary depending on the style you pick. Look at the sample at the top to see your results.
- When finished, click Create Logo. Right click on the WordArt and click Copy.
- Now you can open your Word 365 Online document or your PowerPoint 365 Online presentation in a new tab, right click, and choose Paste.