Author name: TechnoHella

Hella Comat, Curriculum Writer - Hella Comat is a dedicated professional, who has taught in the education system for more than 30 years. As a pioneer of technology integration in Ontario public schools she was one of the first teachers to introduce the internet, video conferencing, web design, and multimedia learning activities to teachers and students in the Halton Board. To inspire teachers to use technology, she has led sessions for the Touch Technology program, ran workshops at education conferences, and sat on numerous advisory committees related to technology-issues. In recent years she taught the Computer in the Classroom course, at York University. Her lifelong commitment to teaching and learning was acknowledged when she was honored as the recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence in Science, Technology, and Mathematics. Hella's contribution to the blog includes entries about the importance of technology integration. Drawing from her in-depth knowledge of technology in the classroom Hella writes about teaching strategies and useful resources that can benefit your practice. In addition, she provides innovative lesson ideas that you can implement into your own curriculum.

TechnoKids Releases TechnoMummy

TechnoKids has released a new project called TechnoMummy. In this project, students become Egyptologists. They begin with a virtual trip to Egypt to view a newly discovered tomb containing an unknown mummy and many interesting treasures! Students learn about databases as they browse and search through a file of all the beautiful ancient artifacts. Then […]

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TechnoKids Releases TechnoLink

TechnoKids releases a new project called TechnoLink. In this project, students become web designers. They construct a web page that includes links to fun places for kids on the World Wide Web. Throughout the design process they pay particular attention to the ease of navigation, overall appearance, and quality of the content. This will ensure

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TechnoKids Curriculum Approved in Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia has approved the use of TechnoKids computer curriculum in government schools. For many years TechnoKids curriculum has been used in private schools throughout the country. Government approval of TechnoKids unique instructional materials, allows thousands more students to learn valuable information technology skills needed to compete in the international

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TechnoKids is Jammin’ and Jazzin’ with Technology!

EDUCATORS AT NECC SEE TECHNOKIDS COMPUTER CURRICULUM AS SOLUTION FOR TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION IN TODAY’S SCHOOLS Oakville, ON, July 5, 2004. TechnoKids is Jammin’ and Jazzin’ with Technology after an exciting debut appearance at the NECC! The National Educational Computing Conference organized by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) was held in New Orleans,

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