Christa’s Top TechnoKids Pick
It was my turn to choose a favorite TechnoKids technology project this month. After lots of waffling, I finally settled on TechnoQuestionnaire, a technology project with Google Forms lessons ideal for Grades 6-12.
It was very difficult for me to pick only one. I love each technology project that TechnoKids publishes for different reasons. For example, I like the creative spark that ignites when students complete TechnoToon. The graphic stories always look fantastic when they are finished. TechnoToon is a top selling TechnoKids project, but it is not my top pick.
Another technology project that I love is TechnoBudget. The shopping spree concept is something that engages students. The activities make spreadsheets easy to understand and fun to use. TechnoBudget is a favorite of many teachers, but it is still not my top pick.
Combine Inquiry Based Learning with Google Forms
Why pick TechnoQuestionnaire? The quick answer is I love how Google Forms can be used to create meaningful learning experiences. I wish more teachers used Google Forms in their curriculum.
I know that many teachers are reluctant to use Google Forms, but it is one of my favorite web-based apps from Google. I like how easy it is to gather information. The variety of question types allows students to gather a range of information. In addition, the automatically generated report clearly summarizes the survey results. I like Google Forms so much that I designed a second technology project, TechnoTrivia, for elementary teachers.
One of the things I like the most about TechnoQuestionnaire is that it uses a real-world problem-solving model. The technology project applies an inquiry-based approach to learning. In the lessons, students learn how to select a research question and design a questionnaire to collect data. Afterwards, they explore data analysis techniques to interpret the findings. TechnoQuestionnaire has activities that offer a practical use of technology. The skills that students learn can be transferred to new situations.
Google Forms Lessons Make Learning MeaningfulHave Students Become Researchers
I remember being part of the curriculum development team in charge of designing TechnoQuestionnaire a few years ago. In the beginning, I worked with several classes of Grade 7 and 8 students. I had two goals. I wanted students to understand the practical application of Google Forms. I also wanted to design a series of activities that middle and high school students would find interesting. I didn’t want them to be bored. Instead, I wanted them to appreciate the power of Google Forms and understand how they could use it in real life. It was fascinating to watch students become researchers.
When the unit came to an end, the curriculum development team created TechnoQuestionnaire. I like all the things that make it unique. I like the school spirit survey activity because it provides a concrete example of the purpose of a survey. I like the presentation of findings at the end of the project because it gives students an audience bigger than their teacher. I also like the pivot chart extension activity – because I like pivot charts.
Learn More About the Google Forms Lessons in TechnoQuestionnaire
TechnoQuestionnaire is a technology project best suited for middle and high school studnts. Check out my top pick!