digital intelligence

Proven Curriculum that Meets Global Standards for Digital Intelligence

TechnoKids is Powered by DQ, which means that teachers can be confident our curriculum aligns to global standards for digital intelligence. DQ Lab recently granted ALL TechnoKids curriculum collections their seal of approval. This certifies the program delivers high-quality learning experiences.

DQ stands for Digital Intelligence. The DQ framework outlines the skills, knowledge, and attitudes people need to face the challenges of digital life. The structure organizes digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness into 32 competencies.

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Digital Intelligence Competencies

Teachers can use the DQ taxonomy to understand what children need to become future-ready citizens. The DQ competencies are divided into eight areas, including digital identity, use, safety, security, emotional intelligence, communication, literacy, and rights. These areas are then further divided into four levels of mastery. The first level is digital connectivity which is a prerequisite to the other three levels, which are digital citizenship, digital creativity, and digital competitiveness. Students transition from the ability to simply connect with technology, to the capacity to be safe, create original content, and solve global challenges. The goal is to have students become the innovators of tomorrow.

digital intelligence competencies chart

TechnoKids is Powered by DQ

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TechnoKids Curriculum Collections align with multiple digital intelligence
competencies within the DQ Global Standards (IEEE 3527.1TM).

When you use the TechnoKids Complete Collection to teach your students, feel secure knowing they are gaining the competencies they need to thrive in an ever changing digital landscape. As students progress through the program, they gradually develop essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Empower your students to stay safe, be secure, foster meaningful relationships, communicate effectively, create new ideas, and behave ethically.

If you are looking for computing curriculum that emphasizes digital intelligence, then the TechnoKids program might be for you. Learn more about our popular Collections.

Primary Collection | Ages 6-8

  • The Primary TechnoKids Curriculum for ages 6-8, aligns to the digital connectivity and creativity competencies. With this collection, you can be assured that students will build a foundation for future success. Specifically, the TechnoKids Primary projects align to Computational, Data, and AI Literacy, Active Use of Technology, Personal Device Security, and ICT Literacy.

Junior Collection | Ages 8-11

  • The Junior TechnoKids Curriculum for ages 8-11, aligns to all four levels of competencies including connectivity, citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness. With this collection, you can be confident students will develop the essential knowledge and skills for a healthy digital life. Specifically, the TechnoKids Junior projects align to Digital Citizen Identity, Digital Empathy, Media and Information Literacy, Privacy Management, Online Collaboration, Computational, Data, and AI Literacy, Intellectual Property Rights Management, Public and Mass Communication, Digital User Identity, Active Use of Technology, Content Cyber-Risk Management, Online Communication, and ICT Literacy.

Intermediate Collection | Ages 11-14

  • The Intermediate TechnoKids Curriculum for ages 11-13, also aligns to all four levels of competency including connectivity, citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness. With this collection, you can be positive that students will competently transform creative ideas into reality using technology. Specifically, the TechnoKids Intermediate projects align to Digital Citizen Identity, Media and Information Literacy, Digital Co-Creator, Online Collaboration, Computational, Data, and AI Literacy, Intellectual Property Rights Management, Digital Changemaker Identify, Commercial and Community Use of Technology, Public and Mass Communication, Emerging Technology and Innovation Literacy, Digital User Identity, Active Use of Technology, Online Communication, and ICT Literacy.

Senior Collection | Ages 13-18

  • The Senior TechnoKids Curriculum for ages 13-18, aligns to all four levels of competency including connectivity, citizenship, creativity, and competitiveness. With this collection, you can be guaranteed that students will master digital competencies for solving global challenges and driving innovation. Specifically, the TechnoKids Senior projects align to Balanced Use of Technology, Media and Information Literacy, Online Collaboration, Computational, Data, and AI Literacy, Intellectual Property Rights Management, Public and Mass Communication, Online Communication, and ICT Literacy.

The DQ framework provides the structure for designing high-quality curriculum. TechnoKids publishes new projects each year. With a focus on DQ global standards, our team will continue to develop learning opportunities that prepare students for the future.

DQ Global Standards Microcredentials (GSM) and TechnoKids Curriculum

DQ divides each competency into microcredentials. The TechnoKids Complete Collection, which consists of the Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior collections aligns to over 50 microcredentials. These are ranked below according to the number of learning messages – or how often TechnoKids assignments cover a specific learning objective.

TechnoKids curriculum primarily targets content creation, software design, and information management. However, aside from technology skills, you will notice the TechnoKids program places a strong focus on “soft skills” such as teamwork and communication. As well, our instructional materials shape personal characteristics such as kindness, empathy, integrity, and confidence.

  1. Basic Hardware and Software Operations
  2. Content Creation Skills
  3. Designing Algorithm Fitting to Problems
  4. Organizing and Processing Information
  5. Searching Information
  6. Software Design and Development
  7. Data Analysis and Visualization
  8. Teamwork
  9. Internet Operations
  10. Data Presentation and Interpretation
  11. Collaboration Tools
  12. Evaluating Information
  13. ICT Knowledge
  14. Technology Trends and Adoption
  15. Communication Power
  16. Protecting Intellectual Property
  17. Digital Prescence
  18. Influence of Digital Information
  19. Articulating a Compelling Story
  20. Understanding Public and Mass Communication
  21. Communication Skills
  22. Creating and Managing Digital Initiatives
  23. Digital ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
  24. Sharing the Story through Digital Platforms
  25. Communication Awareness
  26. Demystifying AI Tools
  27. Knowledge of Copyright
  28. Global Digital Citizenship
  29. Managing Passwords
  30. Understanding Digital Entrepreneurship
  31. Digital Transaction Literacy
  32. Digital Confidence
  33. Impacts of Computing on Life in Regards to Diversity, Accessibility and Inequality
  34. Privacy Protection
  35. Digital Fundraising
  36. Dealing with Content Cyber-Risks
  37. Online Kindness
  38. Managing Digital Initiatives
  39. Digital Integrity
  40. Understand Risk and Ethics of AI
  41. Online Empathy
  42. Dealing with Risky Content
  43. Attention and Technology
  44. Health Check-Digital Use
  45. Personal Information
  46. Basic Network Security Technology
  47. Understanding Content Cyber-Risks
  48. Basic Personal Security
  49. Skills to Deal with Behavioral Cyber-Risks
  50. Communicative Literacy
  51. SEO and Digital Marketing
  52. Dealing with Cyber Threats
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