
Debugging is the act of testing a program to find and fix the code. Learn about proven debugging strategies to support learners. TechnoKids programming projects explicitly teach students how to debug their programs to help them gain independence and confidence.

Teach Debugging to Beginners to Build Confidence

It is important to teach debugging to beginners right away. Debugging is when a programmer finds “bugs” or errors in their code and fixes them to improve the program. This is an essential programming skill. So much so, that it should be taught at the beginning of a coding unit. Where Are the Debugging Strategies […]

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Techniques to Teach Debugging Strategies

When designing a Python programming unit, include lessons with techniques to teach debugging strategies. Debugging is the ability to find and fix errors in code. It is a vital skill for young programmers to master. Don’t hope that students will discover these strategies on their own. Instead, guide them through proven methods. Explicit Strategy Instruction

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Python Debugging Strategies for Beginners

Explicitly teaching Python debugging strategies provides students with a toolkit of techniques. The same debugging strategy cannot be applied to every problem. Provide students with a multitude of strategies and explain when they are most effective. This will enable programmers to thoughtfully debug their programs using a toolkit full of techniques. 10 Python Debugging Strategies

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Teach Debugging Strategies

Reasons To Explicitly Teach Debugging Strategies in Python

Teach debugging strategies to beginners. This will enhance the learning experience. The instruction should be evident and apparent to the students. Instead of hoping that young programmers will discover techniques, guide them through proven methods to find and fix errors. 10 Reasons to Teach Debugging Strategies There are many benefits to deliberately teaching debugging strategies

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design a coding unit

Design a Coding Unit for the Classroom

STEM learning objectives are being included in many school, district, and national curriculum standards. As a result, educators are challenged with creating engaging and challenging instructional materials to teach computer science skills. But most teachers don’t have a technology background, much less knowledge of programming. Here’s some help. Whether you’re using ScratchJr, Scratch, HTML and

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