
Keyboarding is typing information into a device using a keyboard. This skill requires understanding the keyboard layout and its functions. TechnoKids applies keyboarding skills to produce publications.

free online keyboarding apps

Teach Keyboarding with Free Online Apps

Learning to keyboard is an essential skill, but it’s challenging to engage and maintain student interest in typing practice. Some schools purchase software to teach keyboarding skills, but there are many free options available. With a browser and an Internet connection, you can access an extensive variety of drills, games, and typing tests. You can […]

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Keyboarding is Not a Technology Program

Keyboarding is not a technology program. It is an essential skill to be able to use the computer efficiently. However, the ability to use the keyboard should not be the foundation of your technology program. Do not wait for your students to become master typists before introducing other technology skills. Formal keyboarding instruction has its

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