
Students evaluate the standard of their own work. They might monitor their progress, identify strengths and weakness, highlight solutions, or appraise their performance. TechnoKids provides task lists, checklists, and other self-reflection tools to support learners.

value of logical thinking

It’s Easy to Improve Logical Thinking with Programming

You can improve logical thinking with programming activities that engage learners. Being logical is a trademark of programmers and is one of the most valued soft skills they can possess. Unlike hard skills which are technical abilities such as how to write code, soft skills are traits that describe a person’s work habits. They are […]

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coding journals

Coding Journals for Computer Science

I’ve been having lots of fun learning to code with Scratch over the past month. It inspired me to write blogs about the benefits of teaching programming skills and computer science standards. But it also prompted me to ponder about teaching practices associated with coding. Many of the resources I researched suggested that students write

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