byod classroom management

10 More Classroom Management Tips for BYOD

BYOD creates new challenges for classroom management. Here are even more helpful tips! Read them and find the ones that are right for you.

Use these tips to manage BYOD in your classroom.

1. Generalize Assessment Tools

With BYOD, often students are given the choice upon the product they create to demonstrate their learning. For example, one student may write a report, another create a video, and still another produce a Prezi presentation. Design assessment tools that focus on the performance criteria and then include general aspects such as quality, organization, style, originality, timeliness, work habits, or sources. This will allow you to use the same tool for different products.

2. Student Designed Assessment Tools

The type of digital products students can produce vary depending on the device. To aid in evaluation, challenge your students to design their own assessment tool. Many online tools can help them generate rubrics and checklists. Not only will this save you time, but also it is an excellent critical thinking activity.

3. Device Class List

Record the device type for each student (laptop, tablet, smartphone, nothing) in a class list. Use this information to organize groups, design activities, and create an equitable environment.

4. Classroom Experts

Produce a bulletin board that identifies classroom experts. Students can refer to the board to find help with using apps. Please note, peers should not install software on another students’ device nor alter device settings.

5. Back Up Plan

There are power outages, WIFI connectivity issues, and server failures. Plan for them. Design alternative lessons that can achieve the same goals without using technology. Just like how you have activities in a folder for a supply teacher, similarly keep a list of paper and pencil tasks handy as a back up plan.

6. Timely Troubleshooting

Technical issues will happen and you can’t have them derail a lesson. If a student is having a problem, encourage them to follow along with the student beside them until there is an opportune time to examine the issue in more detail. Much like sharpening a pencil, there is an appropriate time to do this task. Troubleshooting needs to be done at a suitable moment and students need to recognize that in some cases an immediate fix may not be possible. In this case, they will need to find an alternative way to complete the assignment.

7. Power Up

Establish rules and routines for charging devices. Students are responsible for bringing their device fully charged to school in the morning. Should they need to recharge it throughout the day a charging station may be set up within the classroom. In this case, students need to bring their own connectors. Let students know that they cannot charge their device from any outlet in the school as this may overload circuits or create a safety risk. If a charging station is not available and a battery fails, students will need to find an alternative way to complete the assignment.

8. Diversity in Products

Design assignments that have a range of product options to demonstrate learning. Always include a traditional paper and pencil task or project for students who do not have a device.

9. Equal Access

Provide equal access to technology. For students who do not have a device create a lending library, use a bank of computers in the back of the classroom, book a mobile cart, or schedule computer lab time.

10. Role Play

Have students perform skits showing how to resolve problems with BYOD to demonstrate an understanding of the rules. Skit ideas include Power Up (How do you charge device?), In the Zone (Where can you use device?), or Coaches Corner (How do I get help?).

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