video production for students

All New Video Production Lessons For High School

Video production lessons, from brainstorming to filming to editing.

Consumers, and young people especially, are spending greater amounts of time online. As a result, digital marketing has overshadowed traditional advertising, such as TV commercials, billboard ads, and magazine or newspaper promotions. So it is critical that students build media literacy expertise. What better way to learn about online marketing than to design, storyboard, film, and edit a short and compelling advertisement designed specifically for the Internet?

Introducing TechnoAd: Empowering Busy Teachers with Engaging Project-Based Learning

TechnoAd, developed by TechnoKids, is a highly effective project-based learning program designed to ignite students’ marketing skills, unleashing their creativity and innovation. The comprehensive lesson plans take students through the exciting journey of creating a video ad to promote a new product using a well-structured, step-by-step approach.

Engage High School Students: Reveal the Influence of Online Advertising

To begin the project, students explore the impact of online advertising. They analyze media messages, and think critically about persuasive techniques, hidden messages, and stereotypes in video ads. They discover how the media, to which they are exposed on a daily basis, influences their behavior. Using Google or Microsoft Forms, they create a questionnaire to understand how people engage with online ads. An optional challenge compares data using a pivot table.

Raise media awareness and enhance critical thinking skills!

video production lessons

Master Camera Techniques

Next, students examine video ads to observe how shots, angles, and camera movement effectively communicate a message. They become videographers as a starting point for video production lessons, and practice using a video camera to capture various types of shots including wide, medium, and close-up angles. They investigate how camera movements, such as zooming, panning, and tilting, can guide the viewer’s focus in a scene.

Explore Video Editing Tools

In this session, students learn to use Blender tools to create a video ad. They begin by customizing the window for video editing by adjusting the layout, settings, and preferences. Then they upload provided raw video files. They discover how to trim frames and split video clips, and how to layer channels with color, text, images, and sound.

video production lessons
Using the free program Blender, students learn video production techniques.

Collaborate to Promote a Product

Students work in creative teams to invent a product for a target audience. They plan a script and storyboard, outlining each shot in detail for the video ad. Afterwards, they apply their understanding of video production lessons to film and capture the required footage.

Create a Video Ad

Students take on the role of video editors as they create unique video ads using the footage they captured with their teams. They import the media into Blender and utilize their editing skills. They make critical marketing decisions about soundtrack, text, color, and even animations. The result is an authentic and compelling fifteen-second video. Once finished, students ask peers for feedback about their ads using a detailed checklist.

Summarize the Marketing Campaign 

Each student then prepares a report about their marketing strategy. They explain how their new product video targets a specific audience. Using the survey data from their questionnaire, they propose the ideal timing and the appropriate digital platform for running the video ad. The submission includes a professional layout with heading styles, lists, images, and numbered pages.

digital marketing

TechnoAd video production lessons teach essential media and information literacy skills, collaboration, video production, and data analysis in one comprehensive, real-world project. 

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