Looking for unique journal writing ideas?
Are your students stumped for daily journal entries?
Need inspiration?
Here are some suggestions to spark young students’ imaginations and develop essential writing skills.
Ready? Set? Start Writing!

- If I could be an animal, I would be…
- A singer I really like is…
- I am very good at…
- I wish I could be invisible for a day. I would…
- When I grow up I would like to be…
- My favorite book is…
- If I could be anyone else in the world I would be…
- Children should be allowed to…
- If I could turn into a cartoon character, I would be…
- My favorite toy is…
- One day I couldn’t stop laughing because…
- A movie character I would like to meet and play with is…
- If I were an astronaut, the planet I would visit is…
- If I had a million dollars, I would…
- All the things that scare me are…
- If I could travel back or forward in time, I would…
- A gadget that I would like to invent is…
- A question I’ve always wondered about is…
- If there were no televisions, video games, or Internet I would…
- If I was a giant for a day…
- If I was tiny for a day…
- A wild animal that I would like as a pet is…
- If I could live in a jungle, desert, beach, mountain, or city I would choose…
- I would like to live in the time of dinosaurs because…
- The superpower I would like to have is…
- A crazy kind of sandwich I would like to make would be…
- A toy I would like to talk to is…
- After school every day, my favorite thing to do is…
- My favorite funny joke is…
- If I lived in the ocean, I would be a…
- All the foods I don’t like are…
- A dream I had one night was…
- If a genie gave me three wishes, I would…
- When I see a rainbow, I…
- If I got stuck in a grocery store overnight, I would…
- My favorite restaurant is…
- When my friends have a sleepover, we like to…
Journal Writing Using Google Docs or Microsoft Office
TechnoJournal is an all-new, just released journaling project to introduce young students to Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Included are ideas to integrate technology into other areas of the curriculum. Inspire students to get excited about writing!