Biographies do more than inform readers about a remarkable life. These true life stories explain the contributions of a notable person. A study of a hero or famous figure provides advice and insight for life lessons. Biographies can offer motivation and inspiration as the reader makes connections to their own experiences. Reflection after reading or writing a biography provides further learning. History becomes more meaningful and relevant. As students consider the positive contributions of a successful life as well as the struggles, mistakes, failures and character flaws, they can find things in common with their own lives.

After a biography study, students pick a question, discuss their insights with their peers, and write a short response.
Biographies and You: Reflection Questions
- How does the person inspire you to act?
- How does the life of this person make you believe your dreams can come true?
- What hope for the future does this person give to you?
- What character trait does the person possess that you wished you had? Why?
- What was the person’s secret to success? How can you apply this secret to your own life?
- What can you do today as a direct result of the person’s contributions?
- What emotions does this person make you feel?
- How does their life story help you to understand a different viewpoint?
- What change has happened in the way you think as a result of reading the biography?
- What experiences did the person have that are similar to your own life?
- What character traits do you share with the person?
- What fact did you find most interesting about the person? Why?
- Who do you know that is similar to the person? How are they the same?
- What do you think would be different today if the person had not lived?
- What celebrity should play the person in a movie? Why?
- What does this person’s life tell you about the time in which they lived?
- Why would you recommend this biography to another reader?
- If you could talk to the person, what question would you ask?
- Would you like to be the person? Why or why not?
- Would you like to be the son or daughter of the person? Why or why not?

TechnoBiography is a project-based technology project in which students are guided through online research about a notable figure, write a personal history organized with headings, list contributions with a graphic organizer, and create a table showcasing artifacts. The completed Ebook is shared in Google Apps or Office 365 Online.