TechnoBiography is an all-new technology project just released by TechnoKids. Elementary and middle school students select a remarkable person and write a biography. The activities, written for Google Docs and Microsoft Office, have students:
- Analyze life events and artifacts
- Summarize personal history using heading styles to organize facts
- Create a graphic organizer of important contributions
- Connect artifacts to additional information using links and a table
Write a Biography about a Remarkable Person
In the TechnoBiography technology project, students become biographers writing about a person’s life story using Google Docs or Microsoft Office. To start, they research a notable figure who has made a difference in the world. A brainstorming activity, guiding questions, and research organizer are provided to support learning.
Once familiar with events and achievements, students summarize a personal history using heading styles to organize events logically. Sample files provide inspiration. In addition, phrases are provided to help students join ideas when writing.
Detailed instructions help students to highlight contributions using a graphic organizer and showcase artifacts in a table with links. Sources of information are cited using a bibliography. Tips are included to assist students. Upon completion, the biography is shared with readers.
Integrate TechnoBiography into any Curriculum Unit
The activities in TechnoBiography integrate into curriculum and can be included into language arts, history, social studies, science, art, or computer studies. Students can celebrate a historical figure, acknowledge a hero, investigate scientific discoveries, or appreciate the arts while developing word processing skills.
- conduct research using a variety of sources
- collect artifacts and interpret their meaning
- organize notes in a logical order
- analyze life events to draw conclusions
- explain the importance of a person
- cite sources in a bibliography
- use styles to layout document structure
- highlight contributions in a graphic organizer
- connect artifacts with links using a table
- share biography and reflect on the person’s life
- apply word processing skills to write a biography