Where is the Content? Razzle Dazzle and Computers

Razzle dazzle! Kids love it! They can spend an entire class period making their WordArt, text boxes, pictures, and shapes look amazing. But where is the content? I am nearing the end of the TechnoEnvironment unit. I was away last class so the Grade 8 students worked on their standing pamphlets on their own. At

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Six Teaching Ideas for Integrating the Tomorrow Project into Curriculum

July 2018 Update: Please note that Intel’s Tomorrow Project is no longer available online. How can teachers use Intel’s The Tomorrow Project to motivate students? Have your students either watch a video or read a science fiction short story from The Tomorrow Project. Afterwards, lead a classroom discussion to spark students’ interest and imaginations, and

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The Struggle to Have Students be Their Personal Best

Wow! What a challenging class. Today the students were VERY loud and lacked focus. Throughout the class period, it was a constant challenge to get high-quality work. Today, the class completed their Help Wanted environmental posters as part of the technology project, TechnoEnvironment. They had already done a direct instruction lesson on the poster elements

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The Tomorrow Project and Video Conversations about the Future

July 2018 Update: Please note that Intel’s Tomorrow Project is no longer available online. Students today are surrounded by multimedia. It makes sense to use modern technology at school to make learning relevant. The Tomorrow Project offers teachers FREE resources that will connect with students in a meaningful way. The Tomorrow Project is an initiative

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Direct Instruction and Computer Education

There are many different instructional methods you can use in the computer lab. The approach you use depends on the topic of the lesson, learning objectives, time, or personal preference. In today’s lesson for TechnoEnvironment I decided to use direct instruction to teach the steps for making a poster. What Is Direct Instruction? Direct instruction

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