Direct Instruction and Computer Education

There are many different instructional methods you can use in the computer lab. The approach you use depends on the topic of the lesson, learning objectives, time, or personal preference. In today’s lesson for TechnoEnvironment I decided to use direct instruction to teach the steps for making a poster. What Is Direct Instruction? Direct instruction […]

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Establish an Authentic Audience for Technology Projects

Create a meaningful learning experience. Do not have your students create technology projects only for you. Instead, establish an authentic audience. An authentic audience is a real group of people that will view the work, such as other students, parents, community members, experts, or e-pals. As you may be aware, the Grade 8 students are

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The Tomorrow Project Anthology and Your Students

July 2018 Update: Please note that Intel’s Tomorrow Project is no longer available online. p>Your students have the power to shape the future. Inspire them to envision this future using The Tomorrow Project Anthology of short stories. The Tomorrow Project is an initiative by Intel that encourages people to imagine the role of technology in

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Guided Discovery and Computer Education

Guided discovery is an instructional approach you can use in your computer education classes to have students explore program features. It is an excellent way to introduce a new program. Students like to “click around”. Why not give them the perfect opportunity? I just finished teaching my latest class for the technology project, TechnoEnvironment. Today,

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Five Issues Associated with Assigning Computer Homework

What do you do when students miss class due to a school trip, sport event, or illness? Typically, you would ask them to catch up on the missed work during their own time. However, this can often be a problem when the assignment is computer-related. If you have been following this thread on the TechnoKids

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12 Tips for Internet Research

Internet research is a key component to many technology-based projects. Without facts, students cannot create quality reports, travel advertisements, or presentations. However, Internet research that is not well-managed wastes instructional time. When this happens, teachers risk running out of classes to complete the task or having students lose interest because the project has dragged on

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Travel the Internet to Discover the Sites

Are you interested in teaching your students about the Internet? TechnoJourney is a technology project that introduces students to the wonders online. Select a destination and then travel to each location to complete Internet computer activities. The destinations are organized around the following places: Visitor’s Center, e-Library, e-Media Center, e-Playground, e-Mail Depot, and e-Café. Keep

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Flash Drives in the Classroom

USB Flash Drives In the past, the senior students at our school would email computer assignments to themselves so they could access them later. They’d open their email at home, download the attachment, complete the work, resave the document and then email it back. This was great and showed the students were taking responsibility to get their computer

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