free spreadsheet lesson

Free Spreadsheet Lesson to Paint a Picture

Could you use a free spreadsheet lesson to use with your students? Look no further! The instructions below are from TechnoSales. TechnoSales is a technology project jam-packed with Google Sheets activities designed especially for kids. Assignments have students apply a problem-solving model to plan a fundraiser. They learn how to organize, graph, and calculate data.

So what does painting a picture have to do with planning a bake sale? Great question! You can’t use spreadsheets to complete complicated tasks, unless student have mastered the basics.

The free spreadsheet lesson below is a review from TechnoSales. It has students practice basic spreadsheet skills such as how to resize a column, identify cell references, select a cell range, and format cells. Download it today!

Free Spreadsheet Lesson for Beginners

  1. Open Google Sheets.

2. Name the file paint.

3. Resize all the columns:

  • Click Select All.
  • Decrease the column width.
select all
Click SELECT ALL to resize all the columns.

4. Fill the following cells with color:

  • B14:J14 with dark green 2.
  • B5:J13 with dark gray 1.
  • B3:B4 with dark gray 1.
  • D3:D4 with dark gray 1.
  • F3:F4 with dark gray 1.
  • H3:H4 with dark gray 1.
  • J3:J4 with dark gray 1.
  • C6:C7 with black.
  • F6:F7 with black.
  • I6:I7 with black.
  • E10:G13 with dark yellow 3.
  • C1 with red.
  • I1 with red.

5. Add a Left border to the following cell range:

  • C1:C2
  • I1:I3

6. Add an Inside border to the following cell range:

  • E10:G13

7. Type a * into C1 and I1.

  • Change the font size to 14
  • Center the cell.
  • Set the text color to white.
Paint a castle to practice basic spreadsheet skills.
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