Photo Editing

Teaching photo editing skills to children and teens in Grades 1-12. Tips for using design software such as Photoshop.

Digital Photography Tips

8 Practical Portraiture Digital Photography Tips

Digital photography tips can help students when taking portraiture photos. Today, teens love to take selfies. They understand how to position the camera, adjust their facial expression, and pose to capture the perfect image – of themselves. However, taking photographs of others requires different techniques. Share these 8 practical portraiture digital photography tips with students.

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How to Make a Gradient Map to Create Duotone or Blended Images in Photoshop

A gradient map is a smooth blending from one color to another. The Gradient Map adjustment in Photoshop converts existing colors to a gradient based on whether the area is a dark, mid-tone, or light color. The dark color becomes the color to the left of the gradient map, the light color becomes the color

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